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If you're looking to make a quick buck that will cover the Facebook advertising for your books, enter the Kindle UK Storyteller contest until May 19. You can win £20,000 cash prize and be recognized at a central London award ceremony

The 37th RWA Annual Conference will host the Romance Writers of America's  first event for romance bloggers. At Blogger Day on Saturday, July 29, bloggers will get together, network with authors, and learn about upcoming romance titles. The creme de la creme of the Romance

The San Francisco Writers Conference,  one of the major writing conferences in 2017, begins on February, 16. Although the main event is sold out, you can still attend the FREE sessions and the post conference classes.  In 2017,  SFWC has nine

One of the events you don't to miss this year is The Indie Author Fringe on March 18, starting 10 am GMT. This  first online conference that ALLI schedules for 2017 includes videos, podcasts, and articles from an exciting line-up of self-publishing

The Dublin Book Festival begins on a sunny November Thursday with an opening event that celebrates the diversity, progress, and creativity within the Irish literary landscape in recent years. Taking cues from the essays in Beyond the Centre (New Island), an anthology commissioned

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