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Book Description Writing Services

Sell More Books With a Killer Book Description

It’s not a secret anymore. Book descriptions sell books. But not just any book descriptions. Like any other product description, your sales blurb needs to speak the language of your target audience and pick their curiosity for  them to click the buy button.

We will write a professional book description and book blurb that fit your genre, do justice to your beautiful cover, and make the your ideal reader want to buy the book.


Back cover blurb (up to 200 words)

Book description for your sales page page based on the blurb (up to 360 words)

One revision per item

How Does It Work?

Please place your order and fill out this submission form. You will need to provide your book title/subtitle, book genre, a synopsis and three to five main takeaways (for non-fiction), a link to the Amazon book page (if it is already published), and a brief description of your target audience.


This information will enable us to write the kind of book description and sales blurb that will increase your book sales. In the unlikely situation where we will need more details or clarification to complete our task, we’ll reach out to you after reading your answers.

Professional Book Description and Blurb $249.00

Turnaround time is 10 business days. Expedite delivery (two days) is an additional $99

Cool, I’m Want My Professional Book Description Today.

    Contact Us:

    (949) 734-0395

    Available Mon – Fri

    9:00am – 5pm PST

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