Michelle Scott (also known as A.K.Alexander) is an Amazon pioneer, one of the first authors who stepped away from the traditional publishing path. A childhood dream, talent, and resilience put her on the New York Times Best Sellers List. Up to date, the American writer sold over one million copies. Connecting with readers and writing the best book you can are two of the self-publishing tips the author shared in one of ‘The Seductive Writers’ Diary’ podcast episodes.
Connect with your readers
Try to connect with your readers as much as possible. Make them feel connected to you and build a loyal readership. Everything-your website, your Amazon page, your blogging is important. There used to be a time when writers were more anonymous. But now the readers want to know what we are doing, what’s going on as far as our writing and maybe a little bit of our personal life. I try not to get too personal. But I put everything out in a professional manner. It’s really knowing what the reader wants and expect from you.
You have to love to write
It’s really crowded right now. You have to love to write. There no guarantees in this business. There is no guarantee you are going to make a living out of it. Your love for writing has to come across to your readers. They are going to feel the passion you put your book. You have to write a good book. And even good books don’t always get into the hands of readers.You try whatever you can on the marketing end but always write a good book.
Work hard
You’ve got to work hard. You have to write good books, you need to have tenacity and also be willing to run it like a business. You have to manage your marketing, you have to do your social media and the blogging, and reach out to your readers. But at the end of the day, everything is about the writing. If you are in this because you are thinking you are going to throw a book up on Amazon and make money, it’s probably not going to happen. Maybe one in a million.
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