Desireé Duffy, founder of Black Château Enterprises, will deliver the opening keynote speech.
The conference will open Friday August 16th at 1:30 P.M. with orientation followed by Duffy’s keynote speech titled: You Are Here at 2:00 P.M., which focuses on the unique opportunities today’s writers have available to them.
Black Château will present two of the most interesting panels of the conference. The first one, To Live and Write in LA will take place on Saturday August 17th at 2:30 P.M. and will explore the challenges and opportunities for writers that are unique to those in Los Angeles.
Topics for this panel will include: writing about Hollywood and writing for Hollywood; how to let Los Angeles shape your creativity; networking your way into a career you love; adapting your writing for film, TV and more.
- Sheryl Benko, screenwriter, post-production supervisor, and author of The Last of Will
- Tara Botel Doherty, author of Bread for the Table and Growing Up Hollywood
- Naomi Brett Rourke, author and contributor to anthologies Straight Outta Tombstone, The Saturday Evening Post and others
- Ray Richmond, journalist, author and founder of Family Sleuth Memoirs
- Joel Eisenberg, co-founder Council Tree Productions, writer and producer

Black Château will present its second panel The Three Pillars of Author Success™: The Trifecta You Need to Win on Saturday August 17th at 3:45 P.M., which will focus on how to win as an author in a very complex market by uncovering what publishers are really looking for today.
- Elaine Ash, development editor and author of Bestseller Metrics
- Steven Hutson, literary agent and consultant, WordWise Media
- Desireé Duffy, founder of Black Château and Books That Make You, and organizer for TEDxResedaBlvd
Regarding the upcoming conference Duffy says, “In an industry that changes so quickly it is incredibly important for authors to stay educated on trends and best practices if they want to succeed. Thank you to Tony Todaro and the team at WC2 for asking Black Château Enterprises to be part of a conference that brings authors and industry professionals together in a meaningful way.”
For more information about WC2 and the Annual Greater Los Angeles Writers Conference, and for a complete programming schedule and ticket information, visit their website. The home page of the Black Château website has information for authors and writers interested in promoting their book, branding, marketing, and public relations. Feel free to request information. Black Château will be onsite with an information table. Attendees are invited to visit it to discover more about the company’s authors, programs, and services.
Cover picture by Davin Avery.